“A heart’s love.”

God stands in faithfulness.
His love never ends.
My God shines through,
My God shines through,
He makes the way,
He is the way.
My God, I worship you,
My God, you have my heart,
My God, you have my heart,
I worship you;
I love you.
You are I am,
You have my heart.
YHWH, most High,
You are my light,
You are my life.
Breath of life, Adonai,
You light my heart.
God is the way. Let him have your heart. In Jesus name, amen.

-April Gray

“Let your petals dance; sway in the Light.”

1 thought on ““A heart’s love.””

  1. If you find yourself here, God loves you very much. Open your heart to him and let him love you. I pray blessings over you, and may you shine and grow in love and light, In Jesus name, amen.

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