Call the Lord

My God, I need you; I need you now.
Give me eyes so I can see; 

Give me ears so I can hear; 

Give me a heart that beats sweet. 

I need your Light. 

My God, I need you to guide and teach me.
Illuminate my path; 

Let my feet walk behind your Son.
My God, I need you; I need you. 

-I raise a hallelujah; my God is the victory. 
Heart come
The child of God faces many things in life, yet one thing we have eternal is our Father, who is a good, good God. Sometimes we feel cornered or unsure how to handle certain situations -this is when we can call out, I need you- help me. We can be limited in our sight and calling God to give us his advice and vision can change everything. What we were once so stressed about becomes calm and silent. God is peace, and he exists as Light in any situation. He can kiss our hearts and put our souls at rest to confront anything. So often, we see and hear with our physical features, yet our heart must see and hear; when we open it to the Lord, we can achieve victory over the circumstances. It is not in our strength but his; it is not in our abilities but in how he teaches us to use what he gave us. We can conquer when we have the Messiah reigning in our hearts. He is our deliverer and supplies all we need; he is fast to give us him. And we can do everything through Christ because he can, and his will is perfect.
The Lord loves you. He told me to tell you - "he is with you. Open the eyes of your heart and hear: find refuge in me. I am all you need; I give you my heart. Let me show you how much I love you. Behold and be held. I am on the throne, and I am in power—I have you in my hand. See me and not the circumstance. Let go of control and let me show you which way to take. Come into your closet with me - all you need is your heart. I will take care of everything else. -My child, you are precious to me. Love your heavenly Father."  

” Trust the Lord -believe and witness.”

You can because he did.